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Stratification time

Most native plant seeds need stratification to germinate. Stratification is basically an overwintering/ cooling period. Different species may need different types of stratification time periods or methods, but many can just be moistened and refrigerated. They can require differing lengths of refrigeration time with some taking 120 days and others a couple weeks, but for many of the ones we grow it usually falls under 30 or 60 days. Here in Michigan we usually start our earliest seed growing in March, so January is a good time of year to get the 60 day ones ready. You will find differing methods of doing this but for tiny seeds, like downy wood mint or cardinal flower, we mix them with moistened white sand in a sealable bag. For larger seeds like compass plant or ones we collect with “fluff” on them like goldenrod we moisten them on their own with no added filler. Then in the fridge they go till planting time. Here’s some bags of seeds ready to go in the fridge.